I was in band and orchestra from 3rd thru 6th grade in the mid fifties. Miss Whittlesey was still there. I remember her breaking her baton when she got mad. Sometimes when we were sloppy during a performance at the new Rec Center in Corte Madera, she would make us start a piece over. I can't read music now tho. My mom carted kids from Neil Cummings School with their instruments for practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the back of her open tailgate Studebaker Station Wagon.
I loved watching the kids doing the maypole dance every year. I always hoped to be picked as one of the dancers when I got to 8th grade. Alas, I was sent to St.Raphael school in San Rafael, starting in 6th grade.
The day was actually called "Play Day" and the different classrooms put on skits. I remember being a pilgrim lady in one of them. There were also games and competitions. Three-legged races, sack races, and potato races. Later, I think in the fourth grade, I started taking violin lessons, and the next thing I knew, I was in the school orchestra. The attached link to the photo (which was taken by a professional photographer) shows the orchestra during Play Day in 1946. I am in the violin section on the left with the white rimmed sunglasses. In front om me with the sailor hat, was Ron Stewart. Behind Ron and next to me is Al Cuthbert. Behind Al is Delbert (?forgot his last name). Next to me on the other side is a blonde girl with dark glasses playing the saxophone. That is Joy Jaegling. Standing by the music stand in a Cub Scout uniform is Art Donati. There are others whose faces I recognize, but the names are forgotten. Of course the Music Director, Miss Whittlesey is standing in the center with her baton, back to us.
Larkspur-Corte Madera School, May Day 1945. Photo by a commercial photographer. My folks must have purchased a set when my sister and brother were going there, although they weren't in any of the events.
They must have stopped this in the mid-fifties; I remember them doing the Maypole in my own earliest days at LCM, around 1952-1954, and later it just wasn't happening anymore.