Oh, my gosh, I have a great Inkwell story. I had just bought a cheap $25 ten speed from a friend in, I think, 1971 or '72. I was riding all over Marin on the thing. It was my first bike when I rode with the Marin Cyclists. I was riding out SF Drake Blvd, on the edge of SP Taylor Park and on my way back to San Anselmo. I stopped to rest near the Inkwells. I heard a lot of people talking, etc., so I parked my bike, walked across SF Drake, peered through the bushes and saw the most amazing gathering of naked hippies I will ever remember. They didn't notice me or didn't care. Just a lot of young tanned bodies, long hair, beards, etc. I didn't join them. I was about 15 years old. I lived a "protected" life in Sleepy Hollow so I only occasionally glimpsed this part of the culture of the time. Not to be forgotten. I wish I had a camera. Too bad "they" can't lift images like that out of our memories. What a sight...