The lock couldn't have been put on in 82, because it wasn't there in 85, when they remodeled. We pulled an all-nighter on the last night of the beauteous pink and orange asterisks and I asked the manager how they were going to close for remodeling with no lock on the door. Wen't back a couple times, but it wasn't the same.
In the 70's Denny's had the Denny's combo. burger, fries, and a salad for $1.50. Add coffee and $2 covered the tip also.
I'll bet you guys/girls used to shoot the toothpicks that held the super bird together (with the bright colored sparkly ends) through the straws at your friends at the next table .
During the flood of '82 they had to install a lock on the front door because they had to close and the 24/7 operation didn't have one. Crazy.
Thank you for remembering the Copper Penney! I remembered it from when I was a kid, but everytime I mention it to people who were around, they don't remember it!
Did it actually have circles on the ends of the building that resembled penneys, or is my imagination getting the best of me?
also, sad to say, the Round Table Pizza that was there for decades has been replaced by a Bank of Marin and Peet's Coffee. So sad.
When I went to Redwood the Copper Penny was the place to go during the day.Denny`s was the place to go after 11 pm for late night breakfast on the weekends. The Copper Penny was on the west side where the pizza place is now. Had some good times at both places.
I'm talking about the old pink-and-orange Denny's. I spent many a morning, afternoon and evening parked in a booth at Denny's. In fact, I'm one of the two gals who once spent 24 hours in Denny's in the great Denn-a-thon of 1983.
Denny's was home-away-from home for the Redwood High School drama department. We'd go there after rehearsals or shows and enjoy BVL (Best Value Large) sodas, Super-Bird sandwiches & fries, or just coffee and cigarettes. True friendships were forged at Denny's. We'd do this very immature thing when it was time to leave: if we were parked in front of the big windows, we'd flash our brights and the poor diners at the window-side tables would have to shade their eyes.
Famous people spotted in Denny's:
Huey Lewis trying to enjoy a coffee and a paperback book. Channel 7 news anchor Russ Coughlin.