When the Black Market went out of business, my dad bought the remaining merchandise. I think for $500.00. I remember I was only in 5th grade and had no idea until the trucks pulled up to unload it into our basement and garage. It was like heaven, having all that cool stuff to go through. My mom had garage sales for months and I actually got sent home from school one day for bringing a leather fringed purse to school. The picture printed on it was the black playboy bunny logo. But my bedroom was all about the coolest stuff. When I'd get tired of something, it would go back in the pile and I'd find something else.
I remember the Lion's Share being across the street from Wanda's, where you bought all your Stevie Nicks type of clothes. I met Linda Ronstadt there one night - she was wearing a cute Girl Scout uniform. I think she had left the Stone Pony's by then and had recorded with Neil Young on the Heart of Gold album. She was going out on her own.
I totally remember the Black Market. It was the only place you get interesting stuff without having to go to the city. And I had a crush on a cutie that worked there - Scott Warner.
Dittos to all posts! The Black Market was waaaaayyyyyy cool. I loved the black light room. And yes, I'll admit it, I still burn incense and it reminds me of the place. Weren't there like foot prints or something painted on the floor?
I used to love shopping in the Black Market. I remember getting a cute little birdcage made of probably bamboo with a little door. I bought a lttle bird for it there as well.
I think it was very much like Cost Plus but more reasonable.
Near their location on that middle section where whatever replaced Wanda's is, didn't there used to be a Fish & chips place?? Seems like there was one over in Montecito as well. Anyone remember?
I remember black market very fondly....my favorite part was the black light poster room ..now how about this ....do you remember that as you faced the market the small parking lot on the left has a large rock/ boulder bordering it and on top of that rock sat a small 1 bedroom house...and if you were in front of the market and looked across the street there was greenfield ave. then the east bound lane into san rafael ...and between the eastbound and the west bound lane there was another small 1 room cabin / house in the middle of the 2 lanes... I think it was actually a farmers insurance business for awhile.....But I assume it was a train building of some sort originally
The Black Market was like another world...all sorts of exotic stuff, stuffed in there, two-stories-worth, way before the corporate-type import places like Cost Plus. There was a certain smell.... More recently, I have noticed how they carved out the steep hill behind in order to put that building there. Down the street was a Taco Bell, and of course all the fast food right at the Hub, like Orange Julius, and a Kentucky Fried Chicken (pre-KFC-label). Amazing to think the trains passed there daily.
Anybody remember the Black Market import store on Greenfield Avenue, near where Elan Fitness is now? I remember it from the 70's. I mostly remember the concrete floor and the white painted footprints that disappeared into a wall. I used to think it was so creepY!
What a great site and what fun it has been reading all your memories!