Somemewhere I have footage of a welcome home picnic that was held in Muir Woods for troops from Marin that returned from World War 1, this may be too far back to conform to the time frame we usually discuss here, however I thought it was a nice gesture & wonderful setting for the event, it most likely was footage from the 1976 bicentennial Marin history video put together in the mid 1970's.
I was really touched by the letter printed below from a MarinNostalgia contributor named Klaus Larsen and was hoping I could help him with his noble effort.
I'd like to put something about his charity in my newsletter and on the site to help spread the word but I'd like to relate it somehow to Marin Nostalgia.
Does anyone have any photos or film that speak to a time in Marin's history when Marin got directly involved in helping soldiers stationed abroad? During WWII perhaps?
No matter where one stands on Iraq as a political issue, I think what Klaus Larsen is doing for our troops is really nice.
------ Forwarded Message From: Klaus Larsen Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2008 19:18:33 -0800 To:
Hey Jason,
Always get a big kick out of your nostalgia stuff!!
I thought you should know about a labor of love I am doing and looking to get as much coverage as possible. Its called the Adopt the 82nd Program. I am collecting donations to send care packages to our kids in iraq.
Many people I have spoken to want to help send care packages, but dont know the first thing about what to buy, how to send it or even who to send it to. I have removed the barriers by collecting the donations and buying, packaging, and sending the care packages myself. Its a labor of love and I make no money doing this.
Please check out my site and check out some of the news stories and articles written about my program so far. If you like what you see I would appreciate a nod on your website. Since christmas is over the donations have slowed down, but there is no slowing down for those folks still over there. They need all the help we can give them.